Why are there so many songs about Rainbows?
On a local Facebook Group, I was somewhat confused with regards to the apparent objections to a pedestrian crossing repainted as a rainbow to show support for the LGBQT+ movement. A lot of the arguments against it seemed to be based around it a) either being a waste of public money or b) pushing an agenda.
I had a wander around Sutton and took some photos of things that could also be argued to be the same. However, none of these ever seemed to attract the same (albeit minor) uproar. (a few screenshots of which can be seen below…)
Not all of the things photographed relate to things that directly affect me. I have never been in either a war or the forces, I haven't been in hospital for a long time, I have never read anything by HG Wells and I am not particularly religious. I don't object to any of the things that I have photographed here.